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Investigation and research on comprehensive quality assessment in the reform of new college entrance examination
Comprehensive quality assessment is an assessment system that identifies and explores students’ strengths. By examining the developmental progress made in pilot provinces that have implemented comprehensive quality assessment, valuable insights and guidance can be derived for other provinces preparing to adopt this assessment approach. In this study we conducted an investigation and research involving students, teachers, and middle managers from 12 high schools in 2 pilot areas, the Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces. Using a combination of empirical and qualitative research methods, we aimed to explore the levels of satisfaction and recognition among different research subjects regarding the current implementation situation and to analyse issues in the current implementation process. According to the corresponding theory, an in-depth analysis is conducted from 4 dimensions to uncover the underlying causes of the problem, while proposing recommendations to enhance and advance comprehensive quality assessment. These recommendations are firstly to enhance the standard level of matching and integration in comprehensive quality assessment; secondly to augment the utilisation level of comprehensive quality assessment; thirdly to elevate the significance of comprehensive quality assessment results; and in the fourth place, to improve the credit rating system associated with comprehensive quality assessment.