The South African Journal of Education (SAJE) publishes original research articles reporting on research that fulfils the criteria of a generally accepted research paradigm; review articles, intended for the professional scientist and which critically evaluate the research done in a specific field in education; and letters in which criticism is given of articles that appeared in this Journal.

Indicate the relevance of the study for education research where the education system is characterised by transformation, and/or an emerging economy/development state, and/or scarce resources. Research articles of localised content, i.e. of interest only to specific areas or specialists and which would not appeal to the broader readership of the Journal, should preferably not be submitted for consideration by the Editorial Committee.

Ethical considerations: A brief narrative account/description of ethical issues/aspects should be included in articles that report on empirical findings.

SAJE is ISI accredited (in the Social Sciences Citation index), with an impact Factor is 0.560 (in 2015). 

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Published: 2025-02-21

New ways of teaching in the face of an old problem; the education of young people at risk of exclusion

Abraham Bernárdez-Gómez, Eva María González-Barea, María Jesús Rodríguez-Entrena


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eISSN: 2076-3433
print ISSN: 0256-0100