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'n Teoretiese besinning oor die invloed van kultuur op leerders se intelligensie -, leerstyl - en kommunikasie - ontwikkeling: implikasies vir assessering
These aspects have certain implications for assessment in the classroom. It is a known fact that biological characteristics influence learners' intelligence, learning styles and communication development. However, there are an increasing number of researchers who have established that culture plays a very important role in the development of intelligence, learning styles and communication. Researchers have identified four factors that contribute to the phenomenon, namely: socialising, conformity, ecological adaptation, and language. It should, however, be kept in mind that culture does not always influence the factors mentioned in the same manner. Diversity regarding intelligence, learning styles and communication will have an influence on the teaching and assessment practices of teachers.
South African Journal of Education Vol.23(4) 2003: 344-348