An investigation of a number of educators' viewpoints on education-related sources of racism. In spite of the prohibition placed on discrimination on the basis of race by the South African Constitution, the Schools Act and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act, the report of the South African Human Rights Commission shows that the second highest percentage of the complaints received by the legal division of this Commission, concern educational matters. A prohibition of racism and the removal of institutionalised racism therefore do not guarantee the removal of racism from the South African society in general and schools in particular. The aim of this article is to offer a brief literature and press review on the role played by education-related resources in either the establishment or the cultivation or the counteracting of racism at individual, institutional and cultural levels. In addition an attempt was made to determine, by means of an empirical investigation, a group of educators' views on what should be regarded as the most important sources of racism in South African schools. Educators' views on the role played by educators, school organisations and groupings as well as the curriculum in the establishment of healthy race relations in multiracial schools in South Africa are also discussed.
(South African Journal of Education: 2001 21(4): 247-255)