Historico-educational reconstruction of the literacy of the South African population: a first mapping. The aim in this paper was to map the outlines of the history of the literacy of the South African population, from census material and from the few existing studies, as a basis for further research on the history of literacy in South Africa. The problem of defining and measuring literacy is discussed. Areas of main emphases in international history of education research on literacy are identified, and the research apparatus available for the reconstruction of the literacy history of South Africa is surveyed. This is followed by mapping the outlines of the history of the literacy of South Africa's population. In conclusion, and in the light of the foci in international history of education research on literacy, the following recommendations are made for further research on the theme, using the identified available research apparatus. There is a need for research that will complete the picture on progress in the history of literacy of the South African population; for investigations into the causes/determinants/correlates of literacy in South Africa and for research on the relationship between literacy in South Africa and industrialisation, economic growth, modernisation, cognitive development, and the development of political consciousness. Out of these studies, guidelines for combatting the illiteracy that still exists in South Africa could then be ed.
(South African Journal of Education: 2002 22(2): 125-131)