The problems experienced by women re-entering the education profession in South Africa were focused on. A review of the literature revealed that problems are experienced at five different levels: within the women themselves, in their work situation, at management level, within their career, and within society. These observations were tested empirically by means of a structured questionnaire. The results indicated that the most significant problems were experienced by women educators at three levels: within themselves, within their career, and within society. Problems at management level were not widely experienced by female educators. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that increases in maternity benefits, as well as the introduction of paternity and childcare leave, should be introduced to assist women educators to combine work and family responsibilities more successfully. Good childcare facilities are also essential for allowing re-entering women to combine family and workplace responsibilities. More promotion opportunities should also be provided for women who aspire to educational management positions.
(South African Journal of Education: 2003 23 (1): 65-70)