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Osteoporosis Knowledge, Perception and Preventive Behaviours of In-School Adolescents In Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria
Background: Up to 90 percent of peak bone mass is acquired within 18-20 years, which makes adolescence the best time to invest in bone health. Having the right knowledge and perception is likely to influence preventive behaviours.
Objective: This study was designed to assess the osteoporosis knowledge, perception and preventive behaviors of in-school adolescents in selected LGAs in Ibadan metropolis.
Methodology: The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design. A total of 350 respondents were selected using multi-stage sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on respondents' osteoporosis knowledge, health belief model constructs and preventive behaviours. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used analyze the variables
Results: Results showed that 48.9% of the respondents had poor osteoporosis knowledge. More than half of them had low perception towards osteoporosis risks (52.3%), severity (72.0%), barriers (59.1%) and benefits (63.1%) of preventive behavior. A preponderance of physical activity engagement was reported during school break periods (75.7%) than at home (35.1%). Study reported a daily consumption of bone health promoting foods like milk, egg, leafy vegetables, fish and meat by 42.6%, 36.9%, 38.0%, 56.9% and 59.1% of the respondents. Significant association between osteoporosis knowledge and some preventive behaviour variables were observed.
Conclusion: This study revealed a poor knowledge, low perception and mild osteoporosis preventive behaviours of the respondents. A conducive school environment aimed at mitigating osteoporosis risks through provision of facilities and increase in time allotted for physical activity awareness/participation should be advocated.
Keywords: Osteoporosis, knowledge, preventive behavior, in-school adolescents, Ibadan Nigeria