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Nutrient, antinutrient composition and potential contribution of Amaranthus cruentus grain and Amaranthus hybridus leaf to micronutrient intake of consumers
Methods: Fresh sample of Amaranthus cruentus grain and Amaranthus hybridus leaf were purchased from NIHORT and Bodija market in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria respectively. The grain was washed and drained. The drained grain and vegetable leaf were dried at 600C for six hours before milling into flour and powder respectively. Proximate, mineral, ascorbic acid and antinutrient content of the samples were determined in triplicate using AOAC standard methods of analyses.
Results: One hundred grammes of the grain sample contained 4.3g moisture, 24.5g crude protein, 7.3g crude fat, 1.5g crude fibre, 2.1g ash, 61.8g carbohydrate, 9.6mg vitamin C, 374.5mg potassium, 30.7mg sodium, 120.9mg calcium, 187.52mg magnesium, 41.1mg phosphorous, 7.9mg iron, 4.7mg manganese, 0.1mg phytate, 0.08mg tannins, 0.1mg saponins; and yielded 410.0 kcal of energy; while the leaf contained 81.5g moisture, 5.2g crude protein, 0.6g fat, 0.9g fibre, 1.3g ash, 6.8g carbohydrate, 63.9Kcal, 25.2 mg vitamin C, 719.48mg potassium, 27.74mg sodium, 282.61mg calcium, 135.28mg magnesium, 61.90mg phosphorous, 1.89mg manganese, 7.72mg iron, 0.28mg phytate, 0.14mg tannins, and 0.63mg saponins /100g sample.
Conclusion and Recommendation: The grain and leaf are rich in essential minerals and ascorbic acid, low in sodium and antinutrients, hence, they can contribute significantly to micronutrient intake of consumers and reduce micronutrient malnutrition. Their consumption should therefore be encouraged.
Key words: Amaranthus cruentus grain, Amaranthus hybridus leaf, Proximate composition, Micronutrient contribution