Published: 2017-09-14

Leakage testing for different adhesive systems and composites to permanent teeth

B.S. Bolgül, B Ayna, İ Şimşek, S Çelenk, O Şeker, G Kılınç


HCV co-infection is associated with metabolic abnormalities among HAART naive HIV-infected persons

M.A. Kuti, J.O. Akinyemi, B.O. Ogunbosi, K.M. Kuti, O.A. Adesina, O.A. Awolude, O.S. Michael, I.F. Adewole


Comparison of obesity, overweight and elevated blood pressure in children attending public and private primary schools in Benin City, Nigeria

W.E. Sadoh, Y.T. Israel-Aina, A.E. Sadoh, J.E. Uduebor, M Shaibu, E Ogonor, F.C. Enugwuna


A descriptive study of the morbidity pattern of older persons presenting at a Geriatric Centre in Southwestern Nigeria

E.O. Cadmus, L.A. Adebusoye, O.O. Olowookere, O.G. Oluwatosin, E.T. Owoaje, T.O. Alonge


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2229-7731
print ISSN: 1119-3077