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The Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice is the official publication of the Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN) established in 1997 and published regularly twice yearly in June and December. Its purpose is to promote clinical and academic excellence in Medicine and Dentistry and allied sciences.

Other websites associated with this journal: http://www.njcponline.com/

Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice has been admitted into the latest Journal Citation Reports with an Impact factor of 0.168 (as of June 2011)

Published: 2025-01-21

Immunohistochemistry Expression of Programmed Death-Ligand 1 in Colorectal Carcinoma among Nigerians

K.B. Badmos, L.A. Odukoya, G.F. Khramtsova, L.A. Adebayo, O.I. Olopade, F.B. Abdulkareem


Selective Deep-Lobe Parotidectomy for Benign Parotid Gland Tumors

A. Bayram, A.Ş. Genç, S. Altıparmak, A. Kaya, F. Şenel


Effect of Oral-Related Quality of Life and Sexual Function in Dentally Compromised Women: A Prospective Cohort Study

H. Turgut, S. Turgut, S. Özcan, S. Atkın4, E. Hasırcı, F. İleri, M. Sarıer


Effects of Maternal Dyslipidemia on Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria: A Prospective Cohort Study

C.E. Obodo, P.U. Agu, E.O. Ugwu, H.U. Ezegwui, P.O. Nkwo, M.I. Eze, G.U. Eleje, K.E. Ekwuazi, A.O. Ugwu, P.C. Ekwueme, C.S. Anigbo


Histopathological Comparison of Various Tongue Base Reduction Processes

S.B. Cobden, İ. Ozcan, S. Altıparmak, A. Kuru, F. Senel, Y. Kantekın, A. Kaya


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eISSN: 2229-7731
print ISSN: 1119-3077