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Resource Availability and Students’ Achievement in Practical Lessons in Secondary Schools in Iganga Municipal Council

Aisha Mbeya
Musa Kasiita
David Wekhoola Muwoya


The study was about the correlation between resource availability and students' performance in practical lessons in secondary schools  within Iganga Municipal Council. The specific objectives were to evaluate the impact of availability of basic equipment on students'  performance in practical lessons in secondary schools, and to identify the presence of skilled human resources to enhance the teaching  and learning process for students in these practical lessons. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive design with a sample of 92  respondents, relying solely on a questionnaire for data collection. We presented the findings in summary tables, showing mean and  standard deviation. The study revealed that availability of basic equipment enhances students’ achievement in practical lessons through;  use of technology to ease tasks, workplace safety, and well-equipped laboratories. The rise of blended learning environments in higher  education necessitates adequate equipment, flexible teaching, and investment in educational resources. On the other hand, availability of  trained human resource helps to promote inclusive education and enhance instruction quality. Active student participation,  communication skills, and respect for different perspectives encourage learning. Teaching methodology and student motivation are  crucial for academic success. Curriculum reform should incorporate critical thinking skills for success. Conclusively, the study emphasizes  the importance of practical lesson equipment, technology availability, workplace safety, well-equipped laboratories, inclusive education,  teacher self-efficacy, professional development, student participation, and curriculum reform. Teachers should allocate resources  effectively, foster critical thinking, and provide personalized feedback to enhance student motivation and success, which in turn leads to  academic and real-world success. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514