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Educational Opportunities in International Space and Foreign Policy: In Reference to Kenya

Versity Berebere


Education in foreign policy entails the process of acquiring knowledge and understanding of a country's approach to international  relations, diplomacy, and engagement with other nations. It involves the study of a nation's foreign policy objectives, strategies, and  actions to promote its interests, values, and security on the global stage. The growth in academic opportunities has been a prominent  and transformative trend in the field of education. It reflects the increasing accessibility, diversity, and flexibility of educational pathways  available to students and learners of all ages. The study was guided by three research questions; 1. What are the key aspects of education  in foreign policy? 2. What are the international academic opportunities, trends and new dimensions? 3. What are the  challenges of international academic programs? The study adopted a desktop review approach by gathering information from existing  sources without conducting new experiments or fieldwork. The findings showed that foreign policy education is relevant to persons interested in careers in diplomacy, international relations, global business, and various government and non-governmental organizations. It equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the global arena and contribute  to shaping a country's foreign policy objectives and actions. The growth in academic opportunities reflects a shift toward more inclusive,  adaptable, and learner-centered education systems. Foreign policy on education is an important dimension of a nation's overall foreign  policy. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514