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Usage of Social Media Platforms and Their Influence on the Education of Adolescent: A Study of Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania
This study investigated usage of social media platforms and their influence on the education of adolescents in public secondary schools in Arusha City. Specifically, the study examined the extent of social media usage among adolescent in relations to their educational activities and strategies for proper use of social media platforms to enhance the education of adolescent. Social Constructivism Theory and Convergent mixed methods design was adopted. Sample size of 384(240 students, 72 teachers, 60 parents, 6 academic teachers & 6 school heads) was selected. Stratified and simple random sampling techniques were employed to sample students and teachers while academic teachers and school heads were purposively sampled. Snowball technique was employed to obtain parents. Data collection was done through questionnaires and interviews. Validity was established through expert judgment whereas reliability (SQ; r=0.875, and TQ; r=0. 858) were determined using Cronbach Alpha method. Reliability of qualitative data was established through triangulation. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics, while qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The results show that Facebook and WhatsApp are used to a lower extend for accessing educational resources while actively used for social and personal entertainment. Consequently, students should be guided on responsible use of social media for exploring educational content. In conclusion, educators should ensure that platforms are used effectively to support learning while addressing potential distractions associated with excessive social media use. The study recommends the need to develop clear guidelines and policies for the use of social media in educational settings.