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Effects of Child Abuse on Students’ Education in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha District, Tanzania

Getrude Tillya
Paul Raphael Kitula


: The study aimed to investigate the effects of child abuse on students' education in public secondary schools in Arusha District. The  research objectives were to identify the causes of child abuse and examine measures to mitigate these abuses. Childhood Theory and  convergent design under a mixed methods approach involving both qualitative and quantitative methods was adopted. The study  targeted 835 teachers, 19,630 students and all the 150 parents. Data was collected from 81 teachers, 54 students, and 15 parents across 9  schools using questionnaires and interview guide. Validity was established through expert judgment whereas split half method was used  to estimate the reliability of the quantitative tools used for data collection; for QT, r = 0.92and QS, r=0.87. The reliability of qualitative data  collection instruments was ensured through triangulation techniques. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data in the  SPSS version 26.0 and results were presented in tables while qualitative data were analyzed thematically alongside the research questions  and presented in narrative forms. The study found that lack of parental involvement, poverty, inadequate teacher training and  cultural norms significantly contribute to child abuse. Effective measures identified included comprehensive training for school staff, clear  reporting protocols, counseling services, and increased parental involvement. The study concludes that addressing the identified  causes and implementing the recommended measures can significantly reduce the impact of child abuse on students' education in       Arusha District.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514