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Effective Utilization of Capitation Grants and Its Influence in Improving Educational Facilities in Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City, Tanzania

Rajabu Hassani
Kennedy Omondi Otieno


This study investigated the effectiveness of utilization of capitation grants and its influence in improving educational facilities in public  secondary schools in Arusha city. Specifically, the study examined the shortcomings on the effective utilisation of capitation grants in  public secondary schools and the possible measures to address shortcomings on the effective utilisation of capitation grants in  improving educational facilities in secondary schools. This study was built on Contingency Theory. Descriptive research design and a  mixed research approach were employed. The target population consisted of 963 teachers and 29 heads of school. Stratified sampling  was used to select 96 teachers, and purposive sampling was used to select 8 head of schools. Questionnaires and interviews were used  for data collection. Validity of research instruments was ensured by research experts. Reliability was ensured by Cronbach Alpha method  which gave r=0.922. Trustworthiness was observed to ensure reliability of qualitative instruments. The findings revealed inadequate  capitation grants, poor management, political interference, and lack of accountability as the shortcomings that hinder effective utilization  of capitation grants allocated leading to dissatisfaction in management, teaching facilities and infrastructure. The study  suggests increasing capitation grants, enhancing management, accountability, securing political support, improving transparency and  monitoring as the necessary measures. In conclusion, schools should struggle to effectively manage inadequate capitation grants to  improve educational facilities in public secondary schools. The study recommended that the government through MoEST should increase  the amount of capitation grants to enhance financial management in order to maximize the provision of educational facilities in public  secondary schools. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514