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Influence of School Dynamics on the Implementation of Competency Based Curriculum in Public Primary Schools in Nandi East Sub-County, Kenya

Margaret Jepchumba
Josephine Kagwiria Kirimi


The purpose of this study was to investigate influence of school dynamics on implementation of CBC in public primary schools in Nandi  East Sub-County, Nandi County .The specific objectives of the study include; to establish relevance of instructional methods on  implementation of CBC in public primary schools; determine the influence of adequacy of learning resources on implementation of CBC  in public primary schools; determine extent to which teachers’ training influence implementation of the CBC in public primary schools  and to establish extent to which school infrastructure influence the implementation of CBC in public primary schools. This study was  based on constructivism theory and visible learning theory. A descriptive correlational research strategy was used for the investigation.  The target is 5170 respondents with sample size of 490 respondents. Stratified random and simple random sampling method was used in  this study, research used focus groups discussion and questionnaires which includes open ended and close ended questions as the  data collection tools. Data analyses were done by use of both Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Descriptive data analysis consisted of  summarizing the data into tables and describing characteristics of the data set using means and standard deviations. Inferential analysis  was done by use of a multiple regression analysis program in SSPS-26 Software. The analyzed data was presented using, graphs, pie chart  and tables. The study recommends that curriculum resources and materials such as textbooks and digital materials should be  enhanced to supports teachers in delivering the curriculum and helps the students in active learning. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514