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Influence of Quality Assurance Services towards Improving Supervision of Public Secondary Schools in Arusha City Council, Tanzania
The study focused on the influence of quality assurance services towards improving supervision of public secondary schools in Arusha City Council. Objectives were to; assess the extent to which secondary school quality assurance department fulfill their duties in public secondary schools and determine the contributions of quality assurance services in improving supervision of public secondary. Total Quality Management (TQM) theory and a cross- sectional research design was adopted in this study. Sample size consisted of 113 respondents (5 QAOs, 1 DEO, 10 SHs, 59 ATs, 8 WEOs, 10 school board members and 20 parents) in which both probability and non- probability sampling techniques were used to get respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires, interview guide and document analysis. Validity was established through expert judgement whereas reliability was determined using Cronbach Alpha Coefficient method, where for ATs r=0.777 and for SHs r= 0.974. Credibility and dependability of qualitative data was established through detailed reporting of the research process. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze quantitative data in the SPSS version 26.0 and results were presented in tables while qualitative data were analyzed thematically alongside the research questions and presented in narrative forms. The results show that the services provided by QAOs contribute towards improving the extent to which SQA department fulfills its duties in supervision of public secondary schools. The study recommends that quality assurance services should be institutionalized and education should be provided to education stakeholders involved in SQS in order to make it effective and bring about the desired results.