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Influence of School Development Plan Implementation on Students’ Academic Performance in Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania

Gideon Luhamo Lesilwa
Kassimu A. Nihuka


This study aimed to investigate the influence of school development plan implementation on students’ academic performance in  Dodoma City Secondary Schools, Tanzania. The study was guided by three research concerns: The implementation of the School  Development Plan in Dodoma city secondary schools. the perception of heads of schools on the influence of SDP on academic  performance and the contributions of SDP influence on students’ academic performance. A sample of 353 respondents were involved in  filling out the questionnaire, and doing interview, Documentation method and observation. Data was coded using SPSS and the reliability  was determined at an Alpha Cronbachs of 0.801. The study established that increased access to secondary education improves  quality of secondary education, increases student completion rates, decreases student dropout, enhances learning environment, and  promotes community involvement. The paper concludes that school development plans have a great influence on students’ academic  performance in secondary school. The study recommends that the government should assist the preparation and implementation for  school development plans instead of putting on the notice board for DSEO and other leaders to observe, cooperation for all education  stakeholders is necessary in development plan. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2520-7504
print ISSN: 2663-6514