Published: 2021-03-08

One health research ethics

Dónal P. O’Mathúna, Andréia G. Arruda, Getnet Yimer

COVID-19 in Ethiopia in the first 180 days: Lessons learned and the way forward

Esayas Kebede Gudina, Million Tesfaye, Dawd Siraj, Abraham Haileamilak, Daniel Yilma

The evolution of hospice and palliative care in Ethiopia: From historic milestones to future directions

Yoseph Mamo, Anteneh Habte, Nardos W/Giorgis, Aynalem Abreha, Nicola Ayers, Ephrem Abathun, Eleanor Reid, Mirgissa Kaba

Why has Africa reported relatively few COVID-19 cases so far? A web-based survey

Awoke Derbie, Daniel Mekonnen, Yimtubezinash Woldeamanuel, Tamrat Abebe

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1021-6790