The Journal publishes analytical, descriptive and methodological articles, as well as original research, on public health problems, management of health services, health care needs and socio-economic and political factors related to health and development. More specifically, the Journal focus on important topics in health development that include: health policy and health politics; health planning, monitoring and evaluation; health administration and organization of health services; hospital administration; health manpower, including training; health economics, financing, and health development; health statistics and health information systems; maternal and child health, including family planning; environmental health and water; food and nutrition; health education; epidemiology and communicable diseases including HIV/AIDS, TB and STI; community involvement and inter-sectoral approaches to primary health care; drug supply and distribution; socioeconomic factors related to health and health services, medical geography, broader topics on scientific work on health care technologies; rights and obligations of communities in participation in health care; and international health organizations and technical cooperation among developing countries.

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Published: 2025-01-09

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eISSN: 1021-6790