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Classroom Activities for Enhancing Pupils’ Competence in Spoken English in Kiswahili Medium Primary Schools in Tanzania

Jalia Mohamed Muna
Erasmus Akiley Msuya


This study intended to explore how classroom activities are being used by teachers in order to enhance primary school pupils’ spoken competence in Kiswahili Medium Primary Schools in Tanzania. A case study design was employed to obtain diverse and depth of information in natural settings.   Data was collected from Singida and Mtwara Districts as well as from Dar es Salaam City through non-participant observation and teacher interviews. Some schools were conveniently sampled and purposive sampling obtained teachers to be involved in the study. Data was analysed thematically. Findings indicated that question and answer, read aloud and discussion were the most frequently used activities across the schools. Planning and teachers’ presentation of the activities resulted in minimum interaction of learners in class. The study recommends that teachers who teach English should carefully plan and employ activities which will engage learners in meaningful interactions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-2132
print ISSN: 2714-2183