The East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences (EAJESS) is an international open access journal that publishes scholarly articles in the field of education and social sciences. The main focus for this journal is to inspire, motivate and nurture researchers from various corners of the world to search and share knowledge and insights through research and publication. The primary target audience includes researchers and practitioners in the field of education and Social Sciences. Content of manuscripts published in this journal include: Educational Administration, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Technology, Inclusive Education, Educational Psychology, Religious Education, Supervision of Instruction, Quality Assurance in Education, Comparative Education, Issues in Primary, Secondary and Higher Education, Foundations of Education, Teaching Areas like Languages, History, Geography, Economics, Mathematics, Sciences, etc and other issues related to Education and Social Sciences.

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Published: 2025-03-12

Gender Dynamics in Selected Babukusu Popular Songs in Western Kenya

Kasili George Wanjala, Omuteche Jairus, Wasike Chrispinus


Impact of Socio-Demographic Factors on Financial Well-being of Academic Staff in Ugandan Universities

Pontius Byarugaba, Musa Bukoma Moya, Ayebare David Santson, Geoffrey Mayoka Kituyi, Ogen Olukuyo


Determinants of Mobile Devices Adoption amongst Students: A Case of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania

Kangomba Patrick Saidi, Jamal Athuman Jumanne, Noel Mark Makwinya, Neema Nicodemus Lyimo


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Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-2132
print ISSN: 2714-2183