The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of integrating socio-economic activities of the local community into chemistry lessons, on attitude and performance of learners. Mixed method research design was used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data was gathered by CATs and the attitude questionnaire while focus group interviews were used to collect qualitative data. The only grade 12 class at Malambanyama Day Secondary school comprising 43 learners was purposively selected since learners were information-rich. The learners were randomly selected into groups 1 and 2, and the two groups were assigned to the control and treatment groups. The data collected were analyzed by the independent samples t-test, and the Qualitative Data Analysis software. Results obtained indicated that participants’ attitude at pre-intervention was neutral and positive at post-intervention. Pre-test CAT indicated that the two groups were equal in conceptual understanding: (group 1 M = 39.71, SD = 14.94, group 2 M = 39.12, SD = 11.35), t (32) = .129, P = .449, α = .05 at confidence level 95%. At posttest 1 CAT, results were statistically significant (group 1 M = 65.79, SD = 14.94 while group 2 M = 54.58, SD = 11.35), P = .029, t (29) = 1.972, α = .05 at confidence level 95%. At posttest 2 CAT, results were not statistically significant: (group 1 M = 50.91, SD = 16.52, group 2 M = 54.05, SD = 18.14), p = .278, t (41) = -.594, α = .05 at confidence level 95%. Qualitative data analysis results also indicated that learners’ attitude towards chemistry improved when socio-economic activities of learners were incorporated in chemistry lessons. It was, therefore, concluded that integration of socio-economic activities of the local community into chemistry lessons improve both the attitude and academic performance of learner.