It is in this context that the natural and physical sciences, study and use of environment and local resources has been recognized as one of the basic areas of school curriculum in many developing countries including Ethiopia. Locally available equipment (LAE) offered an alternative solution to do science in classrooms under difficult financial constraints. LAE from locally available materials believed to enrich the capacity to observe, explain and do real chemistry in primary schools and increase the quality of learning. Keeping in view the significance, study in hand is practices and challenges of implementing LAE in teaching chemistry at primary school in North Shewa zone in Amhara Region. The nature of the study is descriptive survey. From 24 woredas 10 of them and from 285 primary schools 130 schools were selected using cluster sampling. From 130 schools all 139 chemistry teachers were including as sample of the study. Data was collected through questionnaire, FGDs, document analysis and observations. It was analyzed by percentage, mean value, t-test and one way ANOVA by SPSS program version 20. Most primary school laboratories of North Shewa Zone are not well equipped with necessary laboratory equipment. That is why; implementing LAE in teaching chemistry is an urgent need everywhere in NSZ at Amhara Region. But the practice of using LAE in the chemistry lesson is poor. But there is a significant difference between teachers taking training on the implementing of LAE and others who didn’t take. There is also a good practice of LAE by teachers working on urban areas when we compare with teachers working at rural areas. The main challenges of implementing LAE in teaching chemistry are lack of skills, interest and knowledge; lack of facilities and awareness problem of school principals. Therefore, giving planned and consecutive training for chemistry teachers and creating awareness for school principals solve the problems of utilizing LAE in teaching chemistry.