Published: 2019-02-04

Design norms for soil and water conservation structures in the sugar industry of South Africa

Daniel Otim, Jeff Smithers, Aidan Senzanje, Rianto van Antwerpen


Untreated wastewater as a source of carbapenem-resistant bacteria to the riverine ecosystem

Jasna Hrenovic, Goran Durn, Snjezana Kazazic, Svjetlana Dekic, Martina Seruga Music


Assessing the energy and carbon footprints of exploiting and treating brackish groundwater in Cape Town

Aumashvini Gobin, Debbie Sparks, John Okedi, Neil Armitage, Fadiel Ahjum


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1816-7950
print ISSN: 0378-4738