A Journal for specialized readers, presenting important/new developments in the area of Applied Science & Technology, World Journal of Applied Science & Technology (WOJAST), formerly Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (JONAS), is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the faculty of Science, University of Uyo, Nigeria. The journal publishes research papers in the field of pure, applied science and technology relevant subjects. The journal is published in printed version as well as online.
Other websites associated with this journal: http://wojast.org/
Publication Ethics
WOJAST is dedicated to upholding the utmost level of integrity in the content it publishes. There are no exceptions to the rigorous standards employed by the editors in handling matters related to research integrity and publishing ethics. Any form of plagiarism is categorically unacceptable, and the severity of plagiarized content dictates the measures the editorial board will undertake. Consequences may range from imposing a ban on the author from submitting to WOJAST for a specified period to potential legal repercussions.
Academic dishonesty is not to be tolerated and will be pursued to its fullest extent. These infractions may also give rise to, or become entangled with, legal ramifications. The editors and other members of the journal team are obligated to deliberate on such matters and take appropriate actions, which may include seeking legal counsel. Instances that may necessitate legal advice encompass potential defamation, breach of contract, privacy violations, or copyright infringement. WOJAST unequivocally disapproves of these actions and considers them as serious matters deserving of utmost attention.
Current Issue: Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023)
Published: 2024-09-05