Published: 2012-03-12

Microbial Metabolism and Inhibition Studies of Phenobarbital

K Kavitha, M Vidyavathi, S Asha, TVLH Bindu


Effect of β-Glucuronidase on Extraction Efficiency of Silymarin from Human Plasma Samples Using Validated HPLC-UV Analysis

M Usman, M Ahmad, A Dayo, A Madn, L Ali, M Yousuf, MA Khan, A Munir, M Sohail, A Mahmood


Development and Application of Ligand-Exchange Reaction Method for the Determination of Clonazepam

SS Mitić, AN Pavlović, SB Tošić, ET Pecev, MN Mitić, MB Stojković


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1596-9827
print ISSN: 1596-5996