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The evaluation of the acute toxicity of MCH2 syrup formulations on the liver organs of male Wistar strain rats entailed histopathological observations and the examination of symptoms of toxicity

Rollando Rollando
Christina Novratilova Hardi
Nur Aziz
Dodi Iskandar
Rahadian Zainul


In this study, acute toxicity tests and liver histopathology in male white rats were used to explore the immunomodulatory potential of MCH2 syrup, which was prepared with a 2:2 ratio of Phyllantus niruri L. and Morinda citrifolia L. The study, which used a posttest-only control group design, entailed giving different dosages of MCH2 syrup orally and then assessing behavioral changes, body weight changes, and liver histological characteristics like degeneration, congestion, and necrosis. The results validated the immunomodulatory activity of MCH2 syrup by showing notable effects on the liver histology of male white rats, demonstrating modest and quickly regenerating damage.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-0692
print ISSN: 2616-0684