The Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research (TJNPR) is a peer-reviewed, open access online international journal which publishes original research papers. The journal welcomes submission from scholars and experts for possible publication from all over the world. The scope of the journal includes:
Pharmaceutical research
Chemistry and biochemistry of naturally occurring compounds
Biological evaluation of crude extracts
Traditional and complementary medicine
Biomedical research
Evaluation of natural substances of land and sea and of plants, microbes and animals,
Pharmacological and toxicological studies
Pharmacokinetics of phytochemicals
Isolation and characterization of compounds
Structure elucidation
Synthesis and experimental biosynthesis of natural products,
as well as developments of methods in these areas are welcomed in the journal. Finally, research papers in fields on the chemistry-biology boundary, papers discussing the screening of natural products for biological activity against different health targets are also encouraged.
Timely, concise and focused reviews on recent progress in active areas of natural Product will be also published.
This international journal is published monthly, and available in both printed and electronic formats.
You can view this journal's website at www.tjnpr.org.
Current Issue: Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-21