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Hydroxyapatite characteristics from snakehead fish (Channa striata) bone via alkali treatment followed by calcination method

I’tishomul Hanif
Indah Widiastuti
Sabri Sudirman


The snakehead fish (Channa striata) is commonly used as a raw material in traditional South Sumatran foods. However, some parts of this fish, such as bone, skin, and viscera, are not used in food processing. This study aimed to determine the characterization of hydroxyapatite snakehead fish bone with different extraction times using ultrasound-assisted extraction followed by the calcination method. Hydroxyapatite was extracted using sodium hydroxide with three different extraction times (20, 40, and 60 minutes) before proceeding with calcination. The extraction yield ranges from about 16.03% to 19.99%. The smallest particle size is found at 40 minutes of extraction time (63.90 nm). The ash content of the hydroxyapatite ranges from about 98.09% to 99.04%, calcium from about 17.86% to 18.12%, and phosphorus from about 10.23% to 10.74%. The non-stoichiometric form is present in the hydroxyapatite from snakehead fish bone, with a Ca/P ratio of about 1.69 to 1.72. Analysis of the hydroxyapatite functional groups in snakehead fish bone showed the presence of phosphate groups, carbonate groups, and hydroxyl groups. This data indicates that hydroxyapatite was successfully extracted from snakehead fish bone in nanoparticle form. Therefore, snakehead fish bone can be used as a source of hydroxyapatite.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2616-0692
print ISSN: 2616-0684