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The teaching of consecrated life in major seminaries in the African context: Its needs, challenges and prospects
The gift of consecrated life to the church going back centuries, maintains its uniqueness and intrinsic values right from the era of Christ, through the era of Christian monasticism till the present age. Albeit consecrated life is countercultural, it contributes immensely to the span of cultures found in the world. As such, the African culture is not left out. Thus, is there a synergy between consecrated life and African culture? Can consecrated life be taught in the African context? Is the major seminary a fitting place to teach consecrated life? What are the needs, challenges, and prospects of teaching consecrated life in major seminaries in the African context? These are not just mind-boggling questions but also status questionis to be developed within the academic system and curriculum framework, especially in the major seminaries. In light of the richness of consecrated life, are the major seminaries undoubtedly platforms through which the importance and richness embedded in consecrated life in the African context are preserved and consecrated persons formed as pilgrims of hope on the path to peace? While so many works have been written on consecrated Life as a unique form of life, less attention has been given to teaching this form of life in major seminaries in the African context. Arguably, to address this lack, this work of art seeks to establish and underscore the need to teach consecrated life in the Major Seminaries in the African context, the challenges and prospects involved.