The Aims

The Catholic Voyage  seeks to educate, inform and form. It  strives to propagate “the good, the true and the beautiful” in communicating  message (John Paul II, Ecclesia in Africa, n.124) on Consecrated Life in its various forms.   In particular, its purposes are to: 

(1) Provide a forum for the cultivation, development and promotion of Theology, Canon law, Church History, spirituality, philosophy, and social and human sciences  insofar as they treat matters relating to Consecrated Life; 

(2) Become a medium for debate, dialogue and  reflection on historical, contemporary,  topical issues and challenges concerning consecrated life and its  mission  in the church and in the world;

 (3) Contribute to the local and universal Church’s  mandate for evangelization by proclaiming the Gospel through dialogue, inculturation,  the strive for justice, peace and integral human development of peoples;

 4)  Make Christ’s message relevant and credible through the   dissemination of serious studies, reflections, apostolates and ministries, documents and texts, as well as  sharing pertinent experiences and relevant testimonies of witnesses and experts relating to Consecrated life and Society of Apostolic Life.

Type of Papers and topics 

The Catholic Voyage publishes:

  •  Original and scholarly articles on historical, contemporary and current topics from any area of the ecclesiastical disciplines  that contribute to questions of social, cultural and religious significance, and from the human and social sciences,  insofar as they  relate to any aspect of  Consecrated Life and Society of Apostolic Life, especially in an African context and  perspective; 
  •    Papers and topics from  the areas of Sacred Scriptures, Theology, Morals, Canon Law,  Philosophy, History and cultural heritage of the Church, Patrology (or Patristics),  Spirituality, Religion, Church, inculturation, Integral human development,  Morals, Missiology,  Ecumenism and Inter-religious dialogue,  Cultures, Ethics,  Social and Cultural Anthropology, Social Sciences, Social Communications, Psychology, Education, Health Care. 
  •   Documents, Reports and Papers of the  assemblies of  important meetings  relating to  Consecrated  life,   as well as  well-articulated reflections  on vocation, life and ministry  of Consecrated persons; 
  •  Interviews, Experiences and  Witnesses (Testimonies) on issues  relating to  Consecrated Life and to the aims and objectives of the journal;
  •  Book reviews.  

The audience and community  it aims to  serve

The journal is destined primarily for members of Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Formation houses, Major Seminaries, as well as the clergy. The readership extends to the lay people who share with Consecrated persons the same ideals, spirit and mission or who  are simply interested in deepening their knowledge about the vocation, life, mission, the history and theology of consecrated life in the  Church. While it is addressed to readers and researchers principally in Africa, we hope that this journal will be beneficial or helpful to interested readers and scholars in other regions of the world.

Journal keywords

  • Catholic Church. 
  • Conference of Major Superiors of Nigeria.
  • Consecrated Life and Charism in Africa. 
  • Truth and Mercy in Religious Institutes. 
  • Catholic Theology, Mission and Voyage.

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print ISSN: 2659-0301
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