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Factors Affecting Women Participation in Bongo Flavour Music in Kinondoni District, Tanzania
The study aimed to assess and identify factors influencing low participation of women in Bongo flavour music in Tanzania. Kinondoni District was purposively selected because it has relative larger number of female musicians (32) who were registered at BASATA compared to other wards like Ubongo (six), Temeke (thirteen) and Ilala (four). There were 100 sampled respondents and were randomly selected. Unit of analysis was community members of Kinondoni. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were adopted to select wards, respondents, streets, key informants and FGDs for the study. Both primary and secondary data were collected. FGDs (checklist) and Key informants’ interview were used for data collections while tools were questions and checklist. Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) program version 20 was used to make descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages, mean and inferential statistics/ Chi square). A binary logistic regression model as it relies on assumptions was also used and it gives the probability of effect towards women participation in music. Qualitative data was analysed through content analysis. The finding shows that participation of women in music industry is influenced with peer group (p=0.001), religion (p=0.002), dressing codes (half naked) (p=0.000) and age (found to be statistically slightly significant at p=0.066 at 10% level of significance) recommended that, disciplined department regarding artists dressing style should be formed by BASATA to ensure good dressing coding for the artists. Also, community must be aware that, within religion there is art therefore the religions rules do not limit the talented women to work on their art unless a person will go against the established roles and rules from the religion itself and art sector.