Since 13th April 2021, the Tanzania Journal of Community Development (TAJOCODE) has been publishing original research in the field and practice of community development. TAJOCODE is affiliated with the Department of Agricultural Extension and Community Development (DAECD) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and Community Development Professional Association of Tanzania (CODEPATA). DAECD offers its expertise and oversees the management and the review process of the journal. Even though, the editorial decisions are based on the quality of submissions and appropriate peer review, rather than on any political, financial, or personal influences from the department, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), CODEPATA, and other stakeholders. TAJOCODE follows Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines (visit www.publicationethics.org for details) to manage its peer-review process. All authors are welcome to submit complaints and appeals to the editor’s decisions.
Aims and Scope
TAJOCODE is devoted to improving knowledge and practice in community development. TAJOCODE advances inclusive community development research, and practice in all domains of community development. The journal publishes research, and practice in all aspects of community development with a view of contributing towards tackling various development challenges in Tanzania and the rest of the world. The journal welcomes English and Kiswahili articles that report research and practice; examine community problems; and analyse community development profession in Tanzania and elsewhere. Articles may address any community development issue including poverty; gender; community participation; social justice; economic development; budgeting; decentralisation; agricultural extension; education, community empowerment; sustainable development; rural and urban community development; and other relevant community development topics. TAJOCODE submissions should be aligned with the Community Development profession and should clearly document methodology, data-driven results, success stories, resources and/or lessons learned. Citations of research and resources are expected in every manuscript. TAJOCODE promotes a basic set of core values for the practice of community development. They include:
a) Promote the participation of all community members in urban and rural areas to actively and meaningfully influence the decisions that affect their lives.
b) Promote the engagement of community members in learning about community issues in all aspects including economic, social, cultural, environmental, political, legal, and psychological issues.
c) Does not support any effort that is likely to adversely affect the marginalized community members such as women and disabled people.
d) Accommodates the diverse interests and cultures of communities
e) Dedicates to enhance the leadership capacities of community members, community leaders, and groups within the communities
f) Strives to towards the long-term sustainability and wellbeing of marginalized communities.
You can see the journal's own website here
Current Issue: Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Published: 2025-02-27