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The Effect of Land Tenure on Land Management in Magu and Misungwi Districts

Fulgence Dominick
Blandina Edward Mahudi
Robby Warioba


Land is a crucial resource for the social, political, and economic sustainability of rural farm households in developing countries because it  supports food production, ecosystem services, and income generation. This study investigated the effect of land tenure on land  management in Magu and Misungwi districts. Household survey questionnaire, key informant interviews and focus group discussions  were used to gather data, which were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Multinomial logit model. The study revealed that land  tenure has significantly negative contribution to the adoption of manure and crop rotation. This study recommended that government  and policy makers should advice financial institutions to recognize Customary Right of Occupancy (CCRO) to promote credit accessibility,  which enables land markets expansion, particularly in rural areas. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-675X
print ISSN: 2773-6725