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Impact of Rural - Urban Migration of Youth on Rice Production in Kilosa District, Tanzania
The study investigated the impact of the Rural-Urban Migration of youth on rice production in Kilosa district. Specifically, the study examined the effects on rice production in the study area because of youth migration to urban areas. The theory used for guidance in this study is push-pull theory. The cross-sectional survey design chosen because allows the researcher to associate several variables at the same time. The study used simple random sampling to abtain100 informants among rice farmers and purposive sampling technique to get a sample of 10 key informants. The study employed semi structured interview; key informants interview; focus group discussion and documentary review as data collection methods. The study concluded that youth are very potential to make an important contribution to rice production at different stages. They contribute effectively on rice production based rural economy would be well organized, and therefore contribute in alleviating poverty. The study concluded that there was a rural urban migration of youth in the study area. The rural urban migration of youth led to shortage of labour force. It was evidenced that there was a direct relationship between rural urban migration of youth and decrease in rice production.