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The East African Community And The Democratic Republic Of Congo Stability: A Reflection Of The Third Inter-Congolese Nairobi Peace Process

Philemon Sengati Lugumiliza


This paper analysed the extent to which the East African Community, is effective for the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C) peace,  specifically the 2022 third inter-Congolese Nairobi Peace Process. The data were collected through documentary review and analysed by  qualitative thematic descriptive approach. Data revealed, the third Congolese Nairobi Peace Process is unique as it brought together  armed groups, civil societies, and victims of sexual violence with the D.R.C government. Auspicious inferences were derived in the  negotiation, including prisoners of war with no criminal records of atrocities being released. Armed groups incorporated into the  National Force. Citizens of Eastern region be given opportunities in D.R.C.’s territories. Communities residing around national parks be  engaged in eco-friendly projects and keep them at the heart of the conservation. The involvement of local Community in benefits from  mining, and employment of diplomatic and coercive measures to enforce Peace were approved. The paper recommends, enhanced  commitment from Rwanda and Uganda, who are peace spoilers in the region. while, the international community should exert diplomatic  and political pressure on Rwanda and Uganda to support Peace Process. At the same time, imperialist powers, the U.S.A. and  China refrain from their vested interests in D.R.C.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-675X
print ISSN: 2773-6725