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Towards food security in semi-arid regions: The role of small-scale food processing industries in Dodoma city, Tanzania

Deodata V. Mtenga
Asha S. Ripanda


The power of small-scale food processing industries is based on their ability to improve food security by ensuring availability throughout the year. This study used primary and secondary data to obtain information on small-scale food processing industries in semi-arid regions of Tanzania and associated implications for improving food security. About 30 food processors and 6 key informants were available to answer interview questions. It was revealed that men dominated food-processing industries by 93.3%. In addition, food processors comprised medium, small and micro-scale food processors by 20%, 29.23% and 50.7%, respectively. However, the food processing industry faces many challenges such as inadequate funding, stringent government rules and rigid bureaucratic procedures, shortage of raw materials, poor technology and unreliable electric power supply. Supporting the improvement of food processing industries in Dodoma will aid in decreasing post-harvest losses by increasing the shelf life of the agricultural product. In turn, the support will help in overcoming food insecurity in the area. Therefore, it is recommended that the government should provide more support to the food processors to enable them to overcome the challenges for improved livelihood.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2773-675X
print ISSN: 2773-6725