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Communication management and stakeholder satisfaction in project-based organisations: The case of research, community and organizational development associates (RECODA)
Communication is an important aspect in projects‟ operations. There is still a need for further studies on communications especially in developing countries to reduce number of project failure triggered by poor communication. Using RECODA‟s project as a case study the study aimed at assessing communication management in achieving stakeholder satisfaction in project-based organizations. Randomly selected 120 project stakeholders participated in the study. There was an addition of a5 Key-Informants who participated in the study. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings envisage that traditional channels are still highly used in ruraloriented projects. Of the four communication channels used, face-to-face and meetings were rated the most effective modes of communication channels. Physical factors and poor accessibility to mobile gadgets were some of the highly rated barriers to effective communication. Conclusively, the adoption of modern communication channels remains poor in rural-based projects. Ultimately it is recommended that project planners should invest in the communication process for better performance of the project.