The South African Journal of Occupational Therapy (SAJOT) is the official journal of the Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) and is a leading publication for research into occupational therapy in Africa. The Editorial Team can be contacted at sajot@otasa.org.za The SAJOT accepts research articles, scoping/integrative/systematic/rapid reviews, scientific letters, commentaries, and opinion pieces. We publish and disseminate research articles that contribute to the scientific knowledge of the profession and its outcomes which have reference to service delivery in Africa. This journal provides a platform for debate around issues relevant to Occupational Therapy in Africa which will also contribute to the development of the profession worldwide. This journal provides open access to its content immediately at the time of publication of an edition on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Therefore, all articles that are published in SAJOT may be found on this web site (see below) and under the tab Archives. They may also be found on the following web sites: SciELO, EBSCOHost, OTDBase, OT Search and ProQuest. In addition, articles are preserved via Portico.
You can view the journal's website here.