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Print based learning might still be the answer to the digital divide

J Mitchell
G Smith
W Louw
M Tshesane
M Petersen-Waughtal
C du Preez


There seems to be a belief world wide, that by going online and including learning
technologies in learning packages learner success and economies of scale will be
ensured in open and distance learning (ODL). Recent literature suggests that ODL and
online delivery are regarded as synonymous. While the introduction of technology in the
delivery of ODL materials can be extremely useful, in most developing countries access
to these technologies is either very expensive or non-existent. For this reason it seems as
if the vision of distance education as a means to provide education to those who have
been denied it is being undermined by the overriding enthusiasm with technology. The
perception seems to be that if a student is computer literate he or she will be able access
the world of information that the Internet and other electronic media can deliver and thus
become educated. From an institutional point of view, there seems to be a perception that
the high cost of distance education delivery will be drastically minimised once courses
are delivered online. Unfortunately the costs of online delivery and the use of various
media is often underestimated. Examples of this are the many failed e-learning initiatives
that can be found on the InternetEssential to any ODL course, is for the designers and writers to find more innovative but authentic ways of implementing ODL instructional design good practice, no matter what method of is delivery chosen. The focus must be on providing students with the best learning experiences that the chosen medium and the relevant learning environments can offer.

South African Journal of Higher Education Vol. 21 (6) 2008: pp. 694-704

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1011-3487