LA du Plessis
Director Teaching Development, Centre for Institutional Development, Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
G Janse van Rensburg
School of Educational Sciences, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, Potchefstroom, South Africa
CJ van Staden
Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
The skills gap in formally trained black and coloured information and communication technology (ICT) professionals is in part a reflection of the social and historical injustices of past political policies. Furthermore, the current funding formula challenges higher education institutions to improve throughput rates, while providing a skilled labour force. The Vaal University of Technology (VUT) has experienced unacceptably low pass rates in the subject Programming I over five years (2000±2004). The VUT introduced an entry-level certificate in ICT during 2003 in order to widen access, to improve pass rates for Programming 1 and to provide articulation for a diversity of learners into the Higher Diploma in ICT. This article shows that access was indeed widened while the added curriculum had a positive impact on the learners' cognitive skills. Importantly, the results show that the English proficiency module had a positive correlation with the Programming 1 module, but that no significant correlation exists between the Mathematics module and the Programming 1 module.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol. 19(5) 2005: 863-879