The changes in the political and economic systems are all affecting the challenges of higher education. The higher education system in South Africa is challenged by government to respond to the demands for increased participation in education to respond to societal interests and needs as well as to promote co-operation and partnerships in governance. Management in higher education institutions appear to be concentrating on the structural changes needed while ignoring the challenges of the new century. This article addresses the major dilemmas or requirements of co-ordination relating to education, which needs to look at the significant transfer of knowledge, and learning to communities. At the same time the global trends and challenges must be kept in mind. One of these challenges is the direction of science and technology. In discussion this the different modes of research and knowledge production together with the economic, socio-cultural, environmental, ecological and demographic pressures are considered. Writers such as Whiston (1992), Gardner (1995) and Callan (1994) have indicated the challenges long ago. The time for walking is past. It is time to look at ways of co-operation and planning together. The actions around the issues of environmental awareness and the challenges of development can serve as an example.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.15(2) 2001: 74-79