In many ways, the Vaal Triangle Technikon is a typical South African institution. Global and local changes have impacted the institution and it has been transformed dramatically during the past decade. Amidst these changes, providing quality teaching and learning remained the key performance area for academic members of staff. Considering these changing contexts, this article wants to explore how an understanding of perceptions of quality teaching and learning can improve staff development aimed at experienced academics at the Vaal Triangle Technikon. Very little academic staff development efforts are directed at experienced academics working at the Vaal Triangle Technikon. If one argues that experienced academics is a resource to the institution because they are able to maintain quality teaching and learning in the midst of accelerated transformation, then more attention must be afforded to their development. It is argued in this article that understanding perceptions of quality teaching and learning held by experienced academics could be used to provide indicators for more relevant academic staff development aimed at this valuable group of staff.
South African Journal of Higher Education Vol.16(1) 2002: 122-135