About the Journal
Welcome to the home of the Southern African Journal of Environmental Education (SAJEE).
SAJEE is an accredited and internationally refereed journal, published by the Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa (EEASA). SAJEE is indexed to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and SCOPUS. The journal is produced annually on a continuous-publishing-model basis.
SAJEE aims to publish and report on a wide range of aspects relating to Environmental Education, Ethics and Action in southern Africa and elsewhere, with a strong focus on research. The journal seeks to further the academic study and the practice of environmental education by providing a forum for researchers, scholars, practitioners and policy makers, and aims to carry papers reflecting the diversity of environmental education practice in southern Africa. It includes a variety of research genres; conference reviews and keynote papers; comparative studies; retrospective analyses of activities or trends in a particular field; commentaries on policy issues; and critical reviews of environmental education, ethics and action in a particular country or context. The journal actively seeks out international dialogue in order to provide perspective on and for environmental education in southern Africa.
Providing southern African and other authors with a forum for debate and professional development, it also incorporates an author support programme to encourage new authors in the field to establish themselves as scholarly writers.
The journal is committed to ensuring highest levels of scientific integrity. The SAJEE Editors subscribe the Academy of Science of South Africa's Code of Best Practice in Scholary Journal Publishing, Editing and Peer Review.
Papers published in the Research Paper section of the journal undergo an academically rigorous and thorough double blind review process by two qualified reviewers. Keynote,Viewpoint and Think Piece papers are reviewed by one of the editors of the journal and/or another qualified reviewer.
Institutional support for the journal is provided by the Rhodes University Environmental Learning Research Centre, in the Faculty of Education at Rhodes University (South Africa).
For article queries please contact the Journal Manager: c.royle@ru.ac.za
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
2016 Environmental Education Association of Southern Africa
Online ISSN 2411-5959
Print ISSN 0256-7504
Print ISBN 1810-0333
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public and scholarly community supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
The journal has double diamond status, as it is both open access and also does not charge authors a submission or processing fee.