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Adhering to the assumptions of invitational education: a case study
characterised by change. As in other countries, schools in South Africa encounter pressure to ‘produce more for less’ and at the same time to achiev e c ertain goals and standards. Transforming schools into inviting institutions requires a paradigm shift among the principals and staff. The International Alliance for Invitational Education views invitational education (IE) as a means of changing classrooms into inviting p laces an d altering the c limate at scho ols. I focus on the way in which a prim ary sch ool in G auten g p rovin ce, wh ich rece ive d th e p restigious Inv itational Education award f or be ing inv iting, succeeded in adhering to the assumptions of IE. In a qualitative investigation I explored the principal and educators’ perceptions of the way in which the school adhered to the four IE assumptions.