Estimates suggest that approximately 12% of South Africans are HIV positive. As a result of the rapid increase of infections in the mid-1990s and th e con comitant increase in HIV/AIDS-related deaths, it is estimated that 13% of children have lost on e o r both parents due to AIDS . In this study data were obtained by open-ended written accounts by teachers and in-depth interviews with teache rs and school principals in a small sample of selected sch ools in KwaZulu-Natal. Findings indicated that in severely affected communities, teachers were often compelled to assume roles traditionally filled by parents. AIDS awareness programmes formed part of the sch ools’ cu rriculum . However, m any schools did not consider inv olv ing grandparents, othe r care-giv ers and community mem bers in the physical, emotional and cognitive support needed by learners because teachers lacked training and schools lacked a policy of parent and community involvemen t in education of learners.