In this article I report on a study that focused on the concept of resilience, in order to determine the nature of personal attributes in adolescents with learning difficulties, who were able to rebound from life's onslaughts, and to continue determinedly along the path of self-actualisation. The personal attributes impacting on the ability to surmount life's challenges were delineated by an empirical study focusing on 20 adolescents with learning difficulties', half of which had demonstrated resilience, whilst the other half appeared to have reneged on self-actualisation. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of resilience, so that vulnerable adolescents might ultimately be therapeutically assisted to choose a more resilient attitude and behaviour. The results of the study delineated nine key personal attributes which anchored resilience and promoted self-actualisation, despite obstacle-ridden circumstances.
South African Journal of Education Vol.24(4) 2004: 317-321