- The Journal accepts articles from all basic and applied areas of dietetics and human nutrition, including clinical nutrition, community nutrition, food science, food policy, food service management, nutrition policy and public health nutrition.
- The Journal has a broad interpretation of the field of nutrition and recognizes that there are many factors that determine nutritional status and that need to be the subject of scientific investigation and reported in the Journal.
- The Journal seeks to serve a broad readership and to provide information that will be useful to the scientific community, the academic community, government and non-government stakeholders in the nutrition field, policy makers and industry.
- The Journal encourages articles from all investigators in the field of dietetics, food, nutrition and related areas. In particular young researchers and researchers from historically disadvantaged backgrounds will be encouraged and supported to submit their research work for publication.
- The Journal is based in South Africa and encourages articles from other African countries to act as a forum for the discussion of African nutritional issues.
- The Journal is committed to high scientific and ethical standards.
- The Journal will accept letters for publication, which are relevant to the Journal.
- The Journal provides a forum for publication of congress abstracts, supplements, short communications and policy statements with their technical support papers.
- The views expressed in the Journal are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.
- The Journal will be managed by an Editor and Editorial Board with the following responsibilities:
- Maintenance of scientific standards of the articles published and appointment of a review Panel of experts for the peer review process
- Maintenance of ethical standards of the articles published Encouragement and support of authors
- Promotion of the readership
- Ensuring the spread of articles published
- Maintenance of ethical standards with regard to sponsorship and advertisements
- The Editorial Board of the SAJCN recognises the important role that advertisements and sponsorships play in meeting the costs of the publication and in ensuring the continued existence of the Journal. The SAJCN welcomes advertising or funding from all possible sources, provided the advertisements or funding arrangements are supportive of the objectives of the Journal and do not conflict with the mission, vision and values statements of ADSA, NSSA and SASPEN. The following guidelines shall be implemented for sponsorship and advertising:
- The Jakarta Declaration, which clearly stipulates that “both the public and the private sector should promote health by pursuing policies and practices that ….. restrict production and trade in inherently harmful goods and substances such as tobacco and armaments, as well as unhealthy practices?
- Advertisements/sponsorships should not conflict with the South African Code of Ethics for the Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. The updated code will be used as soon as it is formally released.
- The Journal will accept advertisements for infant-feeds, which are therapeutic in nature, for example lactose free feeds, breast milk fortifiers, hypo-allergic feeds and feeds designed for tube feeding. Any such advertisements shall include a phrase that normally exclusive breast milk feeding is the best food for babies.
- There shall be full disclosure at all times of funding sources
- The decision to reject an advertisement / sponsorship rests with the Editorial Board and should be recorded, so that further investigations can be conducted if required
- Non-designated support will be accepted from interested organisations and shall be acknowledged in the Journal
- The allocated editorial space for advertisements should not normally exceed 40% of the total editorial space in any one issue of the Journal; however, the costs of publication of the Journal should always be borne in mind in any one given situation
- The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Board as appropriate, will be responsible for the final acceptance of any advertorial material
Other websites related to this journal:
NISC https://www.nisc.co.za/
T&F https://www.tandfonline.com/
SAJCN website http://www.sajcn.co.za/index.
The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition (SAJCN) is also Accredited with the DHET (SAPSE) and now on the DOAJ.
Current Issue: Vol. 37 No. 4 (2024)
Published: 2025-02-18