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Ukuvezwa ‘kwamagama emfashini’ ezingane zamaZulu esifundeni saseMkhanyakude

Bongephiwe Dlamini-Myeni


Leli phepha liphenya ngoshintsho ekwethiweni kwamagama ezingane njengesithombe semfashini esiFundeni saseMkhanyakude ngemuva konyaka wezi-2000. Umcwaningi uhlonza ukuthi amagama emfashini abe nomthelela omkhulu kakhulu oshitshweni olwenzekile ekwethiweni kwamagama. Lapha umcwaningi ufisa ukuveza imibono yabantu abakhuluma ulimi lwesiZulu esiFundeni saseMkhanyakude mayelana nalolu hlobo lwamagama kanye nezinto ezahlukene eziyimbangela yawo. Kunoma imuphi umphakathi emhlabeni wonke jikelele, abantu banikezwa amagama kodwa kuhluka ukuthi lawo magama ethiwa kanjani, izinto nemicimbi yesintu kanye nezincazelo ezinanyathiselwe kulelo gama. Kulolu cwaningo kusetshenziswe izindlela ezimbili ukuqoqa imininingo, okuyindlela yekhwantithethivu kanye nekhwalithethivu. Ulwazi beluqoqwa kusetshenziswa izingxoxo nabantu abangamaZulu, kwaphinde kwabhekwa noma kwacuntshungulwa ama-rejista ezikole ezahlukene. Injulalwazi ye-Dynamic onomastic iyona esentshenzisiwe njengomgogodla walolu cwaningo.

English Title: A reflection on ‘fashion names’ among Zulu children in UMkhanyakude District


This study is an investigation of change in naming practice of Zulu children as a reflection of ‘fashion names’ in UMkhanyakude District. The researcher hypothesises that ‘fashion names’ have contributed a lot to change personal naming practices. The article seeks to explore the views and perceptions of the isiZulu speakers in UMkhanyakude District on changes in naming practices and different patterns of naming. Naming is a universal cultural practice. In every society in the world, people are given names, but what varies is how the names are bestowed, the practices and rituals involved and the interpretations attached to the names. This study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection involved in-depth interviews with the isiZulu-speaking people and the reviewing of school registers for different schools. This study is informed by the dynamic onomastic theory.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-1159
print ISSN: 0257-2117